CCRMOA membership

How to Become a member

1. Follow the link below to register as a member via QPay
2. To setup paycheck deduction for membership fees, log into SARA with your NSW Health Details and search for ‘Payroll Deductions’. Enter the below details into the appropriate boxes:

  • Type of Deduction: Union

  • Name: DA115 Union Fees Minor CCRMOA

  • Weekly Amount: 6

  • Action Required: New

  • Effective Date: today’s date

membership benefits

Membership allows you access to multiple events held throughout the year, as well as free/ discounted tickets.

Events include the CCRMOA Ball, JMO vs. VMO Sporting Events, O Week Events, Careers Nights, End of Term Parties, Wine Tours, Hikes, Painting Events and more!

A large part of our work also goes towards advocating for doctors-in-training (DITs), and liaising with administrative staff and hospital executive in order to ensure a safe and healthy work environment.

Other perks include free work lunches, snacks & coffees throughout each term, competition entries, as well as pizza & fridge access.


Membership costs $12 per fortnight, and is automatically deducted from your pay check before it hits your bank account!

We are a not-fot-profit organisation, and all committee members volunteer their time in order to organise events and advocate for doctors in training!

Your membership fee is put directly towards event costs and perks, in order to ensure you get the most out of your membership! It would not be possible to put on the events we do without paying members.