• Wellbeing

    Junior doctor stress, burnout and mental illness is regrettably more common than in the general population. Yourself or a colleague may be struggling; but there are many resources available to you. Some are based within CCLHD, others aimed at doctors, others at the general public.

    Some basic steps we can all take include regular exercise, eating well, drinking within reason and prioritising sleep. They may sound small, but can do wonders for your mental health!

    Below are some great resources to help junior doctors out. Please get in touch with the welfare team if you have any other suggestions or additions to our resources.

    Feel free to approach any of the CCRMOA Committee members at any time to have a chat or debrief if you need.

  • General Practitioners

    Having a local GP is important - below are some JMO friendly GPs.

    AMA NSW Doctors for Colleagues

    Central Coast Doctors for Doctors (PDF Download)

    Dr. Judith Woolley - Avoca Beach Doctor GP
    188 Avoca Drive, Avoca, 4382 1333

    Drs. Karen Douglas & David Little - Terrigal Medical Centre
    9 Church Street, Terrigal, 4385 3150

    Drs. Nick Poate & Michael Stone - The Surgery, Kincumber
    80 Avoca Drive, Kincumber, 4369 6777

    Drs. Georgia Page, Samantha Pethen & Elly Warren - Your Family Doctors Erina
    602 Terrigal Drive, Erina, 4365 4999

    Dr. Raymond Lee - Erina Medical Centre
    415 Terrigal Drive, Erina, 4365 1977

  • Online Resources

    JMO Support Line - 1300 566 321
    Contact the support line to make a confidential appointment. This initiative is aimed to provide specialised, free and confidential support service to all junior medical staff in NSW Health.
    Support will be provided by a Senior Medical Officer in a different hospital district/ network to your own, and from a different specialty to ensure your anonymity.

    Beyond Blue - 1300 224 636
    Beyond Blue provides information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live.

    LifeLine - 13 11 14
    Lifeline is a national charity providing all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.

    Black Dog Institute / The Essential Network - 02 9382 4530
    TEN is re-imagining mental health care for frontline workers, offering discrete and convenient access to mental health screening, resources, and person-to-person support. Click on the above link for resources related to managing burnout and maintaining good mental health in healthcare workers.

    DRS4DRS - 1300 374 377
    DRS4DRS promotes the health and wellbeing of doctors and medical students across Australia. A 24/7 helpline is available.

    Crazy Socks 4 Docs
 CrazySocks4Docs Day is held on the first Friday of June each year, in order to raise awareness of Mental Health issues. Click the above link for a comprehensive list of support services available.

    R U OK
    R U OK? inspire and empower everyone to meaningfully connect with the  people around them and start a conversation with those in their world who may be struggling with life.

    Heads Up
    Provides both general and specific advice, including how to approach a colleague who you think may be struggling. Links are available to resilience-building websites for junior doctors.

    Employee Assistance Program:
    Run by CCLHD, provides confidential counselling for employees.
    More information available via Hospital Intranet.

    Medical Workforce
    Medical Workforce is happy to chat or point you in the direction of assistance of required. You can also bring up any issues with your DPET, or ask to be put in touch with them if required.

  • 24/7 Support

    For Immediate & 24/7 Support:

    Please call 000 if you require immediate help.

    Beyond Blue - 1300 22 4636
    Support Page

    Lifeline - 13 11 14

    DRS4DRS - 1300 374 377 (1300 Dr4Drs)

    Doctors Health Advisory Service - (02) 9437 6552
    Offers help for both doctors and their family members.

  • JMO Debriefing Sessions

    There are formal intern/ JMO debriefing sessions run on Wednesdays as part of the Intern Teaching Roster. These sessions occur approximately once every two months at both Gosford & Wyong Hospitals.

    These sessions are lead by RMOs/ SRMOs, and are open to JMOs at all levels. Anyone is welcome to join them and debrief with peers in a safe space.

    Please refer to the weekly teaching schedule emails for dates and times, or get in touch with the Welfare Committee Member for more information.

  • How you can help

    Make sure you take time to check in on your colleagues and ask if they are OK.

    R U OK Day is held each year, and is a reminder to meaningfully connect with the people around you, and start a conversation with those who may be struggling.

    This can extend to your everyday life and work. You don't need to be an expert to reach out - just a good friend and a great listener. 

    Use these four steps and have a conversation that could change a life:
    1. Ask R U OK?
    2. Listen
    3. Encourage action
    4. Check in

    Asking someone how they’re doing, and if they’re really okay is a simple first step towards showing that you care, and making another person feel supported.

    Head to https://www.ruok.org.au/how-to-ask for tips on how to start the conversation that could change someone’s life.

    Are you worried about a colleague or think someone could use some help?

    HeadsUp also provide information on how you can help in supporting your peers, including tips on how to approach a colleague you think may be struggling. Head to https://www.headsup.org.au/supporting-others to learn more.